Event type: Monetization

Monetization events are related to user actions in relation to offers. This includes events when the user do their initial purchase as well as when the subscription is renewed, renewal fails, removed etc.

The available events are:



When a user goes through the purchase flow and successfully purchase something, it will trigger an event with type monetization.purchased. This event will be triggered independent on if the user starts a subscription or rent a movie, or if the user starts a trial, uses a promotion for 100% or are actually paying.



  "type": "monetization.purchased",
  "timestamp": "2024-04-15T12:48:16.557Z",
  "data": {
    "promoCode": "BOYSSXQWH",
    "price": {
      "currency": "USD",
      "netPriceCents": 657,
      "grossPriceCents": 900
    "trialDurationSeconds": 259200

Subscription Renewed


An event of type monetization.subscription.renewed is triggered when a subscription is renewed. This happens both when a user goes from free trial into having an active subscription and when the subscription is renewed according to it's periodicity (monthly or yearly). A renewed event is triggered independent on if the user have 100% discount or if money is withdrawn from the users payment method.



  "type": "monetization.subscription.renewed",
  "timestamp": "2024-04-17T05:39:51.616Z",
  "data": {

Subscription Renewal Failed


Sometimes a renewal fails for users, this will trigger an event of type monetization.subscription.renewal_failed. This happens when money can not be withdrawn from the users account. Depending on the retry strategy, this event may be triggered multiple times with a certain amount of days in between before the users subscription is downgraded.



  "type": "monetization.subscription.renewal_failed",
  "timestamp": "2024-04-17T05:39:51.616Z",
  "data": {
    "attempt": 1

Subscription Upgraded


A user can upgrade their subscription to a more expensive Offer. They can e.g. upgrade from a Monthly to a Yearly subscription, or from Basic to Premium. When this happens, an event of type monetization.subscription.upgraded will be triggered.



  "type": "monetization.subscription.upgraded",
  "timestamp": "2024-04-15T12:49:18.314Z",
  "data": {
    "price": {
      "currency": "EUR",
      "netPriceCents": 1000,
      "grossPriceCents": 1000

Subscription Canceled


If a user decides to cancel their subscription, an event of type monetization.subscription.canceled will be triggered. This events only signal that the subscription have canceled the subscription but they will keep Entitlement to the Offer until the billing period ends.



  "type": "monetization.subscription.canceled",
  "timestamp": "2024-04-15T12:52:44.511872093Z",
  "data": {

Subscription Undo Canceled


If a user undo the cancelation of their subscription, it means that the billing and renewal process will continue as it was before the cancelation. When the user undo the cancelation, it will trigger an event of type monetization.subscription.undo_canceled.



  "type": "monetization.subscription.undo_canceled",
  "timestamp": "2024-04-18T08:12:58.063460256Z",
  "data": {

Subscription Removed


When a subscription is removed from a user and they loose the Entitlement to that Offer, an event of type monetization.subscription.removed is triggered. There's different underlying reasons for why a subscription is removed. The property reason in the payload will indicate which reason triggered that specific event.

Available reasons for subscription removed:

  • SoftCancel - When a user have canceled their subscription and the subscription is removed when the billing period ends.
  • DunningDowngrade - When all renewal attempts fails for a user and the subscription is downgraded.
  • SubscriptionUpgrade - When a subscription is upgraded, then a removed event is triggered with offer ID for the Offer that the user upgraded from.
  • HardCancel - When a subscription is removed before the billing period ends. Can be done through the Magine Pro Console.



  "type": "monetization.subscription.removed",
  "timestamp": "2024-04-15T12:49:20.019457004Z",
  "data": {
    "reason": "SubscriptionUpgrade"


In the various events, the included parameters inside the data object will vary between the different events and what was actually added or changed in the user object. These are the parameters that can be included:

userIdstringID of the user.
offerIdstringID of the offer.
promoCodestringPromocode that was
used during the purchase.
priceobjectObject that will contain
all properties related to
the price and what the user
have paid.
price.currencystringCurrency of the offer.
price.netPriceCentsintegerNet price in the sub-currency
of the offer. E.g. If the net price is
3.99 EUR, then netPriceCents
would be 399.
price.grossPriceCentsintegerPrice of the offer before any discounts
have been applied. Gross price is also
in the sub-currency.
trialDurationSecondsintegerThe length in seconds of the free trial
the user will have. Only included in the
purchased event.
attemptintegerIndicates which attempt in the retry strategy
that triggered this event i.e. first, second etc.
Only included for subscription.renewal_failed.
originalOfferIdstringIn the subscription.upgraded event the
property originalOfferId is included.
This is the offer that the user had before
they did the upgrade of their subscription.
reasonstringThe underlying reason of why a subscription
have been removed from a user. Only included
in the subscription.removed event.